
1. 50% reduction of fertilisers and pesticides with the use of 1:500 WV water mix.
2. Enhances roots
3. 200:1 for 24hrs soak seeds improves genrmination
4. Ester darkens leaves to increase photosynthesis
5. Regulates nutrients and microbiological population in soil
6. Better uptake of roots
7. Better tasting and higher sugar contents in fruits
8. Increases resistance to disease
9. Pesticide and anti fungus
10. Speeds up Composting

Wood Vinegar Uses

At 500 times dilution, wood vinegar can reduce the cluster value of water to 1/3. This means that the water is activated and can be easily absorbed by the plants because water with a low cluster value is in a very small mass. Each of these masses will hold one or few mineral elements. These elements can be easily taken into the plants.

The concentration of agro-chemicals or liquid fertilizers can be reduced by 50% if it is diluted in a 500 times dilution solution of wood vinegar due to its higher permeation. This will greatly reduce the use of agro-chemicals. However, it should not be used with alkaline chemicals.

Uses and Application of Wood Vinegar

1) Enriching the soil. Dilute wood vinegar with water ( 1:200 ration-1 part wood vinegar and 200 part water) and sprinkle it to the soil before planting. Application is one liter solution for every square meter of planting area.

2) Applying to compost. Dilute one part wood vinegar with 50 parts water and sprinkle to composting materials. Application rate is 50 liters solution to one compost.

3) Fertilization. Dilute one part wood vinegar with 200 parts water and spray it to leaves once a month. Dilution ratio can be change to 300 parts water for the succeeding applications.

4) Seed germination. Dilute one part wood vinegar with 200 parts water then soak the seeds for 24 hours.

5) Pest repellent or deodorizer. Dilute one part vinegar with 20 parts water and spray it it the plant or to the substrate in case of odor removal.

The Appropriate Technology Association of Thailand recommends the following wood vinegar/water solution rates for various farm uses (ATA, p. 27-28). Note that, in some cases, no details were given regarding the specific identity of pests:

  • Repel nematodes – Tomatoes, 1:500 (apply to the base of plants); strawberries, 1:200 (apply to the base of plants); and black pepper vines, 1:1500 (apply in place of water).
  • Repel insect pests – Cabbage and Chinese cabbage, 1:1500 (apply in place of water); corn 1:300 (spray onto leaves).
  • Control of fungal diseases – Tomato and cucumber, 1:200 (spray onto leaves).
  • Control of root rot – Tomato and cucumber, 1:200 (apply to the base of plants).
  • Reduce incidence of chili pepper flowers aborting – 1:300 (spray onto leaves).
  • Improve flavor of sweet fruits and stimulate development of crops. Mix solution rates of 1:500 to 1:1000. Wood vinegar prevents excessive nitrogen levels, improves plant metabolism and contributes to higher fruit sugar levels.
  • Stimulate compost production. A solution rate of 1:100 will help increase the biological activity of various beneficial microbes and can decrease composting times.
  • Combat bad odor. A wood vinegar solution of 1:50 will diminish the production of odor-causing ammonia in animal pens.
  • Supplement for livestock feed. Mixed with livestock feed at rates of between 1:200 and 1:300, wood vinegar can adjust bacterial levels in the animal digestive tract which improve the absorption of nutrients from feed.
  • Enrich garden soil. Use a strong solution of 1:30 to apply to the garden soil surface at a rate of 6 liters of solution per 1m. to enrich the soil prior to planting crops. To control soil-based plant pathogens, use an even stronger rate of 1:5 to 1:10.
  • Repel houseflies. Dilute wood vinegar at a rate of 1:100 and apply to affected areas.

Wood Vinegar
Wood Vinegar is a natural extract from woods. It is used in agriculture and animal fodders. It is a good choice for organic farming. The natural contents make it an attractive alternative to chemical pesticides and fertilizers. Furthermore it is non-toxic and biodegradable.

Benefits on crops

  • Stimulates vegetable growth
  • Strengthens roots and leaves
  • Enriches soil fertility
  • Reduce odor
  • Works as flavour enhancer for agricultural end products
  • Inhibits virus and soil disease when mixed in high concentration
  • Increases the quantity of useful microbes
  • Repels insects on plants
  • Prevents diseases caused by bacteria
  • Improves fruit quality and increases sugar content in fruit
  • Nourishes seeds for germination
  • Nourishes seeds for germination
  • Facilitates composting


  • Increase crop resistance to adverse condition
  • Repel pests ,Prevent plant infection from fungal, bacterial and virus-like disease
  • Improve flavour, color, firmness and preservation of fruit
  • Strengthen the photosynthesis; Increase the content of chlorophyll of the plants
  • Improve absorption through the roots

Soil Application: 6-10 L / Ha / time, 2-3 times during seedling stage and growth stage.
Foliar Application: 3-5L / Ha / time, 2-3 times during seedling stage and growth stage.

It can be mixed with most acidic fertilizers and pesticides. Nevertheless make a miscibility test before first application.


Studies showed that when charcoal and wood vinegar were used as feed supplements in poultry, salmonella bacteria, which are responsible for gastrointestinal diseases of chickens, were eliminated.
In chicken egg production, farmers claimed that their hens improved their egg-laying performance, had better rearing characteristics, and improved their hatching efficiency. It also improved the quality of eggs such as better taste, reduced cholesterol content, and had harder egg shells.

Studies on swine production showed that sows improved their performance. They became healthier, their fertility rate improved, and piglet size became uniform. The fatteners also improved their feeding efficiency and meat quality. The foul odor from the manure of the pigs was also reduced. Furthermore, reports from farmers indicated that their sows increased their milk production and diarrhea among piglets were prevented or cured.

In cattle, it is said that wood vinegar also improved meat quality, fertility rate, milk production, and feed efficiency.

Benefits on Livestock
Wood Vinegar is an all-natural livestock deodorant derived from plant extracts. The skin friendly plant chemicals bind themselves to odor-causing agents on the animal’s body and wastes, effectively breaking down, absorbing and transforming them into a natural acidic state – and destroying and suppressing bacteria, viruses and other odor causing pathogens. The result is non-stimulating Deodorization that is non-toxic and leaves no residue, creating a good-bacteria forming environment that is healthy and fresh for your livestock.

Wood Vinegar is suitable for poultry, and other livestock like pigs, cattle etc. It effectively controls the production of odor causing bacteria on the animal and the farm resulting in healthier livestock and increasing yield.

Human Uses:
10 Internal Benefits of Wood Vinegar

  • Reducing Acid Reflux, Heartburn, and Indigestion
    • Wood Vinegar can help to reduce Acid Reflux, Heartburn and Indigestion, all of which are commonly experienced by millions of Americans every year.
  • Removing Foul Odors
    • Foul Odors can be produced by many things, even some parts of your body. Body casts, gas, body odor and so on can pose social problems and embarrass and perhaps even nauseate you. But Wood Vinegar helps to neutralize foul odors.
  • Stopping Bowel Diseases
    • Wood Vinegar is thought to aid in the body with Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
  • Slowing Colic
    • Colic is a general disorder that affects mostly babies. Wood Vinegar is thought to help although please consult your doctor before administering Wood Vinegar to your child.
  • Surprisingly, Wood Vinegar is even thought to aid Liver Diseases like Hepatitis and Neonatal Jaundice and Liver Cancer.
  • Blocking Diarrhea
  • Preventing Vomiting
  • Reducing Peptic Ulcers
  • Eliminating Dental Infections
  • Lowering Cholesterol

Please note that these health benefits can be achieved through the use of many charcoal products, not just wood vinegar. The key ingredient is wood charcoal produced by the slow baking power of an earthen kiln.

You may be thinking that many of these benefits are too good to be true, but remember, we haven’t listed all the benefits of wood vinegar yet! These are only internal benefits. Wood Vinegar can also help the outside of your body.

11 External Benefits of Wood Vinegar
Wood Vinegar can aid the body with the following:

  • Insect Bites
    • Wood Vinegar is thought to have great venom-removal power. The application of Wood Vinegar to insect bits can help to draw those toxins out of your body.
  • Pink Eye
    • Pink Eye is a dreadful eye infection that many of us have as children. The application of Wood Vinegar to the infected parts of the surrounding tissue of the eye can help to bring down swelling.
  • Poison Ivy
    • In general, Wood Vinegar can be of great help to soothing a large number of plant poisonings such as Poison Ivy.
  • Infected Wounds
    • Again, Wood Vinegar can help with various infections, so infected wounds can be reduced by its power.
  • Cellulitis
    • An acute inflammation of the connective tissue of the skin, caused by infection with staphylococcus, streptococcus, or other bacteria. Since Cellutis too is a bacterial infection, Wood Vinegar can help relieve symptoms.
  • Diabetic Ulcers
    • Diabetics, especially the elderly, sometimes develop circulatory problems in their arms and legs. Because of this, they get ulcers, usually on their legs and feet. From time to time, these ulcers get infected. Wood Vinegar can help here as well.
  • Ear Infections
    • Ear infections are another common type of bacteria-related affliction. Wood Vinegar can aid in the healing process.
  • Snake Bites
    • One great thing about having Wood Vinegar in our Detox Foot Pads is that with Wood Vinegar, these foot pads can draw out all sorts of venom. This includes venom from snake bites. While snake bites are rare, Wood Vinegar, combined with other aids, can help.³
  • Gout
    • For those of you who don’t know, Gout is type of arthritis. It can cause sudden attacks of great pain and can bring about joint tenderness, redness, and swelling. Usually it attacks one joint per episode and this is usually your big toe. Again, Gout can develop quickly and typically starts at night. It is thought to be caused by a collection of Uric Acid, which luckily is absorbed by Wood Vinegar.4
  • Prostatitis
    • This is a condition not commonly understood. Prostatitis simply refers to prostate swelling and infection which can be found under the male bladder. Infected prostates can cause many symptoms, such as a constant need to urinate and painful urination. It can also cause forms of groin or lower back pain.
  • Pain Relief
    • Since many of the disorders and infections listed above can cause great pain, Wood Vinegar has also been used to relieve pain.

List of wood vinegar uses

New Life Wood Vinegar